Flourishing Florida

This is where i offload!


I stayed up late Sunday night to watch this movie, Love Happens, starring Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart. The genre said romantic drama, but I think whoever marketed or directed it did it a great disservice. Which might explain why the movie did not get to make a lot of noise. Basically, I’d say it’s a story about a man grieving the loss of his wife, and how he struggled to get himself up. However, the wrenching pull on the heart this theme is supposed to achieve was diluted by introducing romance into it, to the extent that it almost overshadowed it. So, you find the movie being neither romantic (the dark, emotional side of the film nullified that) nor dramatic (the love part intruded too soon, hence throws one off-balance).



That said, I actually cried watching the movie. I cried because what I dread the most above everything in this world is someone dear to me dying. My parents, siblings, husband, and most especially, my son. And there was a father in the movie whose entire life crumbled with the death of his son. Yeah, I know it was fiction, but I still couldn’t possibly stay dry-eyed when it brought to mind the mortality of my son. I knew there was no way in hell I’d want to go on living should anything happen to Code or MM.



When you are newly wedded, you think you understand love. The butterflies in your stomach, the slamming heart-beats when you guys quarrel. Them you live with your partner a few years, in a happy marriage I must add, and love changes definition. You still be your heart quickening, but it has most likely reduced from fifty times a day to twice in a month. But, you’re so fused with this person that you really could not live without them, despite the loss in frequency of the excitement you used to feel. Then you become a mother (parent, if you will), and your life stops being yours. If you don’t see your child in a day, you feel a part of you is dead. You move from anger to extreme happiness in minutes, just by seeing your child.



Then suddenly, you have to be without them?



How are you supposed to survive that????



I couldn’t.



Tomorrow is husband’s birthday. In a month, I’d be 30, and Code 2. I’d have spent three birthdays with MM, and two with Code. Yet, these two are the reason my birthday would be worthwhile. My family. I live for both of them. I love them both from the place in my heart I didn’t even know existed. Heaven is them being alive and well. Hell is them being gone from me.



Nonetheless, whatever issues i might have with church and the present way Christianity is practiced, I couldn’t not believe in God. For the sake of those two. It’s comforting to feel their protection is not entirely up to me.



So, today, I’m reminding myself of the blessing of family. You should too.



p.s: Here’s a look at the novel I’ve been working on for the past couple of months. I’d appreciate if you’d leave a comment.

p.p.s: I will be featuring an interview with Abimbola Dare, author of The Small Print. Be sure to read it

p.p.p.s: Yep, I’m back to blogging. Not just here, but on Daily Times too. I’m discussing why cheating with a married woman is a man’s safest bet for not getting caught. Yeah, you heard right. Hehehehehehehe




Filed under: Bambino, Shotmusinz

7 Responses

  1. Blessing says:

    Awww…how sweet!

    May God satisfy you and your family with long life!!!

  2. downtheaisle says:

    flourishing florida, being a while, do u know this is so true…this post is so true. I have never been so mushy mushy until I had my son…for me, my son gives me a totally different meaning to Love and family.

    ur son is a big boy now…2 already…dats a wow!!!

  3. doll says:

    well written. happy birthday. i wish you long life and i pray that grant would grant you all you need to prosper here on earth and bless your two boys as well


  4. Afronuts says:

    aww..reminds me of how after scolding my little girl she would give me that sad look that would make me hold her and pet her again while explaining why I had to do what I did to her.

    Kids…they have a way with you.

    And a happy birthday to you.

  5. happy birthday darling! I know how you feel about ur family. I did check out your story, well done! I admire u for writing in first person- I started a novel in first person but quickly discarded it after I faced challenges with view point. lol.. cant wait to see the finished novel. Kudos

  6. MLMR says:

    Really nice post. I’m not there yet so I can’t relate but I’m sure i understand what you mean.

    I enjoyed reading this post!

  7. Myne Whitman says:

    Really lovely post indeed. I didn’t know you were so soft hearted, crying at movies, lol///

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